Last Updated: 8/3/2022, 1:14:37 AM

# AccelByte Cloud 3.26.0

# Release Date: July 4th, 2022

Client-Side SDK Latest Version:

Server-Side SDK Latest Version:

Here’s a look at what’s new in AccelByte Cloud 3.26.0:

# Highlights

# Quality of Life Changes

# Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Fixed various issues on the User Ban Notifications, Log Viewer, Matchmaking: Game Modes, Dedicated Server Management: Total Sessions, and Item Details pages.
  • Fixed a Subscription issue that meant players could continue to be charged for subscriptions despite removing payment methods from their profile.
  • The default value of the Rebalanced feature on the Joinable Session page is now set as inactive.
  • Added missing Namespace information in the Override Deployment QOS url request.
  • Fixed issues in Match Attribute where Custom match attributes automatically changed to Stat Code and Stat Codes from the publisher namespace appeared in game namespaces when they should not.
  • Improved the Rebalancing feature in Matchmaking by tightening the MMR Gap to ensure fairer matches for players.
  • Fixed an issue in AccelByte Cloud OSS where player is unable to set presence status.