Last Updated: 8/19/2022, 9:28:43 AM

# App Editor

# Overview

App Editor allows you to apply changes to the view and configurations for the Launcher during runtime, meaning that no rebuild or redeployment is needed.

App Editor consists of two sections, Customization and Feature Flags:

  • Customization is used to customize the look and feel of the Launcher. It is also responsible for handling some configurations that will be used in the Launcher.
  • Feature Flag enables or disables features/menus within the Launcher.


App Editor is currently in the early access phase so there are limitations within its features and functionalities. At the moment, it can only be used for Launcher customization with the single game template. In a future release of App Editor, we will include the ability to customize the Player Portal.

App Editor introduces template selection, allowing you to choose a template based on your requirements.


We recommend that you don’t change the template in the middle of the customization as this could cause unexpected issues.

  • Single game template can be used if you decide to publish one game to the platform.
  • Multiple games template can be used if you decide to publish more than one game to the platform. This template is still in the development phase.

# Prerequisites

# Permissions

Permissions are used to grant access to specific resources within our services. Your account will automatically have the Super Admin role, which means that you have the following permissions for the App Editor (Customization and Feature flag) in the Admin Portal.

Usage Resource Permission
Access and manage customization ADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:CONFIG Create, Read, Update, Delete

# Game publishing setup

You must set up game publishing before you can use App Editor.

# Getting Started


This phase only allows you to configure settings for a single game. Future phases will include multiple game settings.

# Configure general settings

Follow the steps below to configure the general settings for a single game:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the App Editor section in the menu on the left.

  2. Select Launcher. The Launcher page displays.


  3. Scroll down and select General Settings.


  4. Select the App ID from the dropdown.


    The App ID field acts as a bridge between the uploaded game binary and the Launcher itself. App Editor uses it to configure which App ID the user wants to use. If you do not select the App ID, the Launcher will not show any contents.


  5. The fields Installer Link, Launcher Update URL, and User Avatars are filled by default. You can ignore them.

  6. Upload your company logo, if you wish (this is optional).


  7. When you’re done, click Save Changes.

# Select a pre-made Launcher theme

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the App Editor section in the menu on the left.

  2. Select Launcher. The Launcher page displays.


  3. Choose the Launcher Theme.


  4. Click on one of the pre-made themes to select it.


  5. When you’re done, click Choose Theme.

# Customization

Customizing a theme will update the look and feel of the Launcher. You can customize the global styles and content on each page. A preview screen will show the result of any changes you make.

There are two ways to publish the changes you make to a theme:

  1. Save as draft The changes are saved in the browser’s local storage. The changes will not be reflected in Launcher.
  2. Save & Publish The changes are saved in the browser’s local storage and will be reflected in the Launcher.


The Autosave feature is set to save your theme to the browser's local storage every five minutes.

# Global styles

Global styles are the colors and fonts used throughout the Launcher. You can change these to suit your own style.

  • Global Colors affect the primary, secondary, text, overlay, background, card, and modal colors. The components that you can change are listed in the following tables.
  • Global Font affects the font style and size of title and body text.

# Global Colors

You can use the Global Colors feature to apply a new color to the components on multiple pages at once. In addition to streamlining your workflow, the Global Colors feature also helps you to make sure that your Launcher has a consistent color scheme on all components such as buttons, inputs, backgrounds, etc.

You can change the global colors for the components listed in the tables below:

Primary button Default state
Button background: Primary Color
Button text: Text Color

Hover/active/pressed state
Button background: Primary Color, Brightness: 85%
Button text: Text Color, Brightness: 85%

Disabled state (non-editable colors)
Button background: #687792
Button text: #B8BFCD
Outlined button Default state
Button outline: Text Color
Button text: Text Color

Hover/active/pressed state
Button outline: Text Color, Brightness: 85%
Button text: Text Color, Brightness: 85%

Disabled state (non-editable colors)
Button outline: #687792
Button text: #687792
Ghost button Default state
Button background: Text Color, Transparency: 0
Button text: Text Color

Hover/active/pressed state
Button background: Text Color, Transparency: 0.2
Button text: Text Color, Brightness: 85%

Disabled state (non-editable colors)
Button background: #687792, Transparency: 0.2
Button text: #687792
Text field Default state
Label: Text Color
Input background: Background Color
Input outline: Text Color, Transparency: 0.65
Input placeholder: Text Color, Transparency: 0.45

Focused state
Label: Text Color
Input background: Background Color
Input outline: Primary Color
Input text: Text Color, Transparency: 0.45

Filled state
Label: Text Color
Input background: Background Color
Input outline: Text Color
Input text: Text Color

Disabled state (non-editable colors)
Label: #687792
Input background: #232831
Input outline: #687792
Input text: #4C576B

Error state (partly non-editable colors)
Label: Text Color
Input background: Background Color
Input outline: #FF5252
Input text: Text Color
Helper text: #FF5252
Checkbox, radio, and toggle Default/inactive state
Label: Text Color
Input background: Text Color

Hover state
Label: Text Color
Input background: Text Color
Input outline: Primary Color

Active/selected state
Label: Text Color
Input background: Text Color
Input active: Primary Color
Input outline: Primary Color

Disabled state (non-editable colors)
Label: #687792
Input background: #232831
Input active: #4C576B
Input outline: #687792
Dropdown list Default state
Text: Text Color
Icons: Text Color
Background: Text Color, Transparency: 0

Hover/active/pressed state
Text: Text Color
Icons: Text Color
Background: Primary Color

Disabled state (non-editable colors)
Text: #687792
Icons: #687792
Background: N/A
Top navigation bar
Top navigation bar
Navbar background Background Color, Transparency: 0.65
Navbar contents Default state
Text: Text Color
Icons: Text Color

Hover state
Text: Text Color, Transparency: 0.65
Icons: Text Color, Transparency: 0.65

Disabled state (non-editable colors)
Text: #687792
Icons: #687792
Elevated components
Elevated components
Modal background Modal and Card Color
Card background Modal and Card Color
Dropdown Background: Modal and Card Color
Background outline: Overlay Color
Tooltip background Modal and Card Color
Modal background Modal and Card Color
Download components
Download components
Download bar Active state
Label: Text Color
Completed bar: Primary Color
Uncompleted bar: Text Color, Transparency: 0.65
Download information texts: Text Color

Paused state
Label: Text Color
Completed bar: #687792
Uncompleted bar: Text Color, Transparency: 0.65
Download information texts: Text Color
Social links
Social links
Social icons Default state
Icon: Secondary Color
Background: Overlay Color

Hover/selected state
Icon: Secondary Color, Brightness: 85%
Background: Overlay Color
Label: Text Color, Transparency: 0.65
Background Background Color
Overlays Overlay Color, Transparency: 0.85

The following steps will guide you through changing the global colors:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the App Editor section in the menu on the left.

  2. Select Launcher. The Launcher page displays.


  3. Click Customize Theme.


  4. In the Customize Theme menu, go to the Global Styles section.

  5. Update the Global Colors based on your preferences and which area you’d like to change.


  6. Click Save Edits.

  7. Click Save & Publish.


# Global Font

Follow the steps below to set the global font:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the App Editor section in the menu on the left.

  2. Select Launcher. The Launcher page displays.


  3. Click Customize Theme.


  4. In the Customize Theme menu, go to the Global Styles section.

  5. Update the Global Font items based on your preferences.


  6. Click Save Edits.

  7. Click Save & Publish.


# Contents

Customizing content is used to customize a specific area which only exists in each menu. At the moment only two pages can be customized, the Login page and the Game page.

# Login page

Use the steps below to customize the Login page:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the App Editor section in the menu on the left.

  2. Select Launcher. The Launcher page displays.


  3. Click Customize Theme.


  4. In the Customize Theme menu, go to the Global Styles section.

  5. Choose Pages then Login.


  6. On the right sidebar, edit the content based on your preferences.


  7. Click the Background tab.

  8. Upload a background image and adjust the gradient based on your preferences.


  9. When you’re done, click Save Edits then click Save & Publish.


# Game page

The following steps guide you through customizing the Game page:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the App Editor section in the menu on the left.

  2. Select Launcher. The Launcher page displays.


  3. Click Customize theme.


  4. In the Select Styles menu, choose Pages then Game.


  5. In the Social Media Links menu on the right, click Add More.


  6. Choose the social media that you’d like to add, then add the URL.

  7. Click the icon of the selected social media.


  8. Click the Background tab.

  9. Upload a background image and adjust the gradient based on your preferences.


  10. To change or remove the background image, click Replace Image or Remove Image in the upload image panel.


  11. When you’re done, click Save Edits then click Save & Publish.



You can set a maximum of five social media options. Adding a background overlay is optional; you can either add it by ticking the option or un-ticking it if it’s not needed.

# Feature Flags

Feature flags can be used in both the Launcher and Player Portal and allow you to disable certain features with a single switch. The tool itself consists of two sections, App flags and Experimental flags.

  • App flags allow you to flag which features are visible in Launcher and Player Portal.
  • Experimental flags are used for Accelbyte internal development purposes. They are used to flag certain features that are still in active development, but already visible in the app. We will not cover them in this document.

# App Flags

Make changes to the App flags as follows:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the App Editor section in the menu on the left.

  2. Select Configuration. The Configuration page displays.


  3. In the App flags menu, find the feature that you want to flag.


  4. Click the toggle from ON to OFF.


  5. To make it visible again, switch the toggle from OFF to ON.

  6. When you’re done, refresh the Launcher or Player Portal in order to see the changes.