Last Updated: 8/16/2022, 7:59:11 AM

# App Editor

# Can I customize the layout using App Editor?

No, at the moment layout customization is not supported.

# I only see Login and Game pages available to be customized. Why is that?

Currently it is a limitation from the MVP. Other pages will gradually be added in the later phase.

# I don’t see an undo and redo feature on App Editor, will this feature be supported in the future?

Yes we will support this feature in the later phase.

# Can I export and import my customization from one environment to another?

No, you cannot. Currently it is a limitation from the MVP.

# I noticed that my customization changes also affect the Player Portal, why is that?

It’s a known issue, Launcher and the Player Portal use the shared css config. We are currently working on a fix for this issue.